We would like all individuals and businesses to operate with strict adherence to good ethics. Good ethics are the most essential component of business transactions. Ethical behaviour leads to trust and long term relationships. Our definition of ethics is simple: "the relentless search for the truth and fairness." What do we mean by this? ECL is not simply bound by Canadian law; we adhere to a much stricter code of ethics that binds our own conduct as well. For instance, we expect our clients and partners to subscribe to similar business ethics as our own. We will not tolerate unethical business practices, nor will we condone unethical personal behaviours.
We would like to virtualize all aspects of your business processeses. We believe that achieving the highest degree of virtualization possible is the most important objective of any business process. Over the years, we have built up expertise and experience in the virtualization of business tools, processeses, environments, and spirits. We have successfully virtualized desktop PCs, servers, faxes, office space, working hours, software applications, business processes, and even corporate roles and spirits. Every effort we make will be directed towards moving your business into a higher level of virtualization.
We would like to simplify your infrastructure and business processeses. Simplicity is a virtue. It is an elegance. While simplifying a network system is not an easy task, unnecessary complexity is always detrimental. A very common but poor practice in the industry is to increase system complexity by bloating hardware and hyping-up software. For many consultants, this practice is prevalent due to incompetence, politics, or possibly unethical desires to become indispensable. The end result is that the client becomes locked-in, completely dependent on their service provider to function. ECL will always recommend simplicity over complexity. When we see unnecessary complexity, we will inform you and suggest means to simplify it. Over the years, we have cleaned up numerous bloated network systems that were plagued with chronic problems or had collapsed under their own weight. We offer our clients "lean-and-mean" solutions that not only result in less initial hardware and software costs, but also less maintenance in the long run. ECL's approach to simplicity provides greater savings, reliability, efficiency, security, and flexibility for future growth.
We would like you to achieve synergy and perfection through collaboration, with the help of technologies such as Office Collaboration Systems (OCS), Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Computer Telephone Integration (CTI). ECL itself functions as a cohesive team, and we encourage our clients to do the same. We would like to become part of your team, because as a team we can achieve better accountability, cross-examination, and quality control than we can as individuals.
Today, information is overwhelmingly complex. There is simply too much knowledge and too many tools for one or even a few individuals to master. Collaboration allows everyone to achieve team objectives quicker. ECL will happily collaborate with your business to achieve common objectives and share risks together.
ECL cannot tackle all IT problems alone. In order to deal with all local small business challenges, ECL has also partnered up with a number of local IT companies that provide vertical applications and consulting services. Together with our application partners and consultants, we can provide you with cost-effective end-to-end and one-stop solutions to fit your needs.
We would like to help you innovate in your business, so that you can adapt to the ever changing world. ECL researches and deploys the latest technologies to help empower you. Opinions that are popular are not necessarily the best for your needs. Many popular opinions exist in the market place because they have been heavily promoted by various powerful vendors and manufacturers for their own self interest. Popular opinions are often stale knowledge, or "easy sells", but they may not be the most suitable for your business. At ECL, you come first. We believe that it is important to research available technology and provide you with alternative options to meet the specific needs of your business. One such example is ECL's reliable methodology in using lower cost, more reliable, and higher capacity portable hard drives as an alternative to the more popular but expensive tape drives for data backup. Another example is ECL's virtual server technologies, which are offered to clients as an alternative to using proprietary server hardware and software to reduce cost, increase performance, improve reliability, and protect investments. These techniques are not popular in the industry, yet we are willing to go against current trends to promote them because we feel that they makes more sense for our clients to use.
We would like you to feel comfortable when dealing with ECL. We ensure that your interests come first. We act in our clients' best interest over vendors. We give you responsible advice that makes sense in order to help you achieve efficiency. We will advise on both what to do and what not to do without any bias or discrimination.
Unlike many consultants in the industry, we do not want to just "make a sale" and act in the vendors' interests. We will advise you on a sensible course of action, even if that action may result in a loss of a sale for ECL.Our interest is to place your interest first and foremost.
On that note, we guarantee to supply our services to your satisfaction. For example, we will do work at a fixed cost and perform to satisfy your budget.
We also stand strongly behind our products and services. For example, if you purchase an ECL-built computer, you will receive our famous 2-year no-nonsense warranty service. This means that you can bring the computer in without any paperwork. ECL will look up your paperwork for you and repair or replace the equipment quickly without any questions, even if there is suspicion of a problem.
We would like to empower you through information efficiency. Over the years, ECL has empowered our customers' businesses by introducing enlightening methodologies and setting up highly efficient digital network infrastructures. We subscribe to the motto, "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime." We would rather coach you to overcome hurdles yourself than do the work for you continually, so that you can be self-sufficient.
If you are a small business owner, stakeholer, or manager — and need innovative, reliable information technology solutions, we would like an opportunity to talk with you.